My dad has an electrician friend who called the other day to tell my dad about a friend of his who claims to have the ability to feel the presence of water below ground with his hands. He says that it is a gift from God and he will walk through any piece of property for free to help people find water sources underground for wells. My Dad, being the humorous man that he is, decided it would be interesting to take this guy out to our orphanage in Villa israel to see if he could "feel" any water underground for a well out there.
When he met the guy at the plaza he found a large man, about 6'2"(very tall for Bolivians) with his shirt tucked into superman underwear so my dad already had a hard time taking him seriously. When they got to the property the man took out a wire hanger that had been bent into a V and began slowly walking around the property spinning it in his hands. At certain spots he would stop and the hanger would spin really fast. Sometimes he would say "oh thats just the powerline" and sometimes he would say "okay, there's water about 40 meters down, there's this much of it and you will get this many liters of water."
On their way back my dad decided he would offer to pay this man for his time since my dad was really only curious about what he would do and wasn't very serious about using the information. He was figuring he would pay him about 30 bolivianos( 4 dollars) and the guy would be happy. But the guy asked for 150.(20 dollars) My dad ran to a bank to take 150 bolivianos out and handed it to the guy. The guy looked at it, confused, and said, "No, i meant 150 dollars." My dad couldn't help laughing and said that he didn't have 150 dollars to spend on finding out where water was located underground. The guy said that normally he charged 250 dollars for his talent but he would take 100 since it was for an orphanage. My dad explained that he didn't even have 50 dollars to spend but he promised that if he ever got the 10,000 dollars to put in a well for that orphanage and there was in fact water where he claimed there was then he would make sure he paid him 150 dollars. We are all very curious to know whether this guy was right about the location of water so if anyone has 10,000 dollars ( plus 150) lying around let us know.
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